Comet C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARRS)
That is the third time that I imaged this comet. Seems that this would be the last time I image it, so I called it a Kiss Goodbye. As a tribute to he's passing I decided to image him up close and personal this time. So I brought my SCT scope and once again ambushed him in the early morning hours.
As soon as he showed up above the ground, I set guiding and started to image with 1800mm scope. This time weather condition were much better allowed me to capture this blob pretty big. 13 frames were good to be stacked, to PixInsight they went.
The first image was aligned on the Comet it self while stacking. And thanks to very powerful rejection algorithms I could actually reject the stars and point all the attention to a comet. Also, while processing, the greenish hue around the Comet's core, which is very common to a Comets, started to showed up.
The second image below, is just a stack of all frames to show another colorful composition of a Comet and trailed Stars. Not much of a processing been done to it, besides some noise reduction and color saturation.

Technical Info:
Optics : Meade 10" + CCDT67 @ F7 @ 1740mm
Mount : EQ6
Guiding : Telescope Service OAG9 + SX Lodestar
Acquisition : BackyardEOS 2.0.9
Exposure : 13 x 180 sec @ ISO1600 - 39 Minute Total Stacking : PixInsight 1.8 RC5
Processing : PixInsight 1.8 RC5
And some Animation :