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NGC 2903 Galaxy
NGC 2903 is a spiral galaxy in constellation Leo and it is about 20 million light years away. It was discovered by William Herschel on November 16, 1784 and surprsingly missed by Charles Messier when he compiled he's Messier catalog. It is one of the brighter galaxies in northern hemisphere and can be seen with small telescope. Her gorgeous bluish spiral arms nursing clusters of young blue stars and pinkish star forming regions. Remarkable barred core of the galaxy holds a mix of old and young stars immersed in vast ammounts of dust clouds.
Technical Info:
Optics : GSO 8" RC + CCDT67 @ F5.4 @ 1077 mm
Camera : Atik - 414 EX Mono + EFW2 Filter Wheel
Filters : Astrodon Gen 2 E-Series - RGB Filter Set - 1.25"
Astrodon 5nm H-Alpha Narrowband Filter - 1.25"
Mount : NEQ-6 Pro (Self Hypertuned/Belt Mod)
Guiding: Atik OAG + SX Lodestar 2
Acquisition : Sequence Generator Pro (
Exposure : Ha (1x1) - 8 x 900 2 Hours
R (1x1) - 37 x 300 3 Hours 5 Minutes
G (1x1) - 35 x 300 2 Hours 55 Minutes
B (1x1) - 38 x 300 3 Hours 10 Minutes
Total Exp: - 11 Hours 10 Minutes
Processing : PixInsight 1.8 (1195)