Barnard 150 (Seahorse) - (LDN 1082) - Dark Nebula
Barnard 150, also known as Seahorse Nebula, is a dark molecular cloud of dust in Cepheus constellation, so thick, that it absorbs all the light that comes from the stars behind it. This molecular cloud is part of our Milky Way galaxy, one of the 182 objects cataloged by astronomer Edward E. Barnard and it lies at about 1200 Light Years away. Cloud location on the Milky Way's plane, makes it stand out on the background completely filled with colorful stars of any age and size.
Due to all of the light emitted from these stars, the distinctive, serpent like shape of this molecular cloud can be observed. And with rotation of the image by 90 degrees, one can easily recognize why this cloud inherent a second name of "Seahorse Nebula". This nebula is about 1 degree in size, width of two Moons. What is also interesting about this cloud, as it have 3 highly dense dust cores, which actually is a star formation regions. They were cataloged by Lynds and named LDN 1082 A, B and C, which are marked on annotated image.
This image has been nominated for Astronomy Picture of the Day HERE.
Technical Info:
Optics : Takahashi FSQ106-EDX4 @ F5 @ 530 mm
Camera : QSI 660 WSG-8
Filters : Astrodon Gen 2 E-Series - LRGB Filter Set - 1.25"
Mount : NEQ-6 Pro (Self Hypertuned/Belt Mod)
Guiding: QSI OAG + SX Lodestar X2
Acquisition : Sequence Generator Pro (3.0.3)
Exposure : Lum (1x1) - 64 x 300 5 Hours 20 Minutes
R (1x1) - 32 x 300 2 Hours 40 Minutes
G (1x1) - 30 x 300 2 Hours 30 Minutes
B (1x1) - 30 x 300 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Total Exposure: 13 Hours 00 Minutes
Processing : PixInsight 01.08.06
Date: 30-31.08.2019